Gallit Cavendish

loveline by gallit

Hand dyed rope baskets


Loveline baskets are hand dyed and hand made durable rope baskets made in Bowdoinham Maine.

Five and a half years ago our son Elon was born and died just eight short days later. Deep in despair I found myself at my sewing machine trying to find something positive, something beautiful. Loveline came about over the years as a way for me to process my grief. The process of creating has helped me to center and to find a new way in life. I believe that I can and have and will continue to turn the work of my sorrow into something beautiful. Loveline baskets are a combination of many different forms of art that I have explored over the course of my life. Cooking professionally was my main outlet for creativity for so many years but I also included pottery, fiber arts, painting, and sewing. My baskets are a combination of all of these. I have made a lot of baskets over the years, and during that time I have grown and changed in ways I did not know would be possible. Creating loveline baskets has allowed me to choose joy in my life. Thank you so much for your support in making this possible for me.

Find out more about Gallit:


Etsy Shop: lovelinebaskets
